Selasa, 22 Mac 2011

SETEY mum!!

weyh gil0! ikup aq lh n0p makai gn0 p0m..ad0 k0 aq ambik duit mg ms0 aq n0p bli bju2 aq? d0p key? ph, bkp0 mg nyibuk ny0? laen lh klu aq pkai bju sup0 0re n0p g k0rek lubey taek, xp0 lh jg0p key mg n0p kutuk plk, dup wi FUCK FUCK ingt mg t0k laki aq k0 n0p wi fuck2? bas0 bru n0p kembey..k0ya n0p MENGEFUCK aq..sdar diri s0 lgi aq n0p tny0, mg dup kutuk aq tuh aq wi izin k0? ms0 aq snyap, mg wt hal..k0ya jrit..ambik prhatian m0k bap0k tuk nenek kak abey..n xmalu k0 mg dup pggil aq kak? aq xngaku lh mg nim juni0r aq..sbb aq xknl bas0 SETEY sup0 mg!!!!!

*slama aq nulis p0st nim, memey xd0p p0m nm0 setey hup aq tulis..klu natey mn0 ser0, jgn sal0h kapku..

Jumaat, 18 Mac 2011


50 things guys should know n do..27 is so true..

1. Know how to make her smile when she's down.

2. When a girl says she's sad, but she isn't crying, it means she's crying in her heart.

3. A girl can't find anything to hate about the guy she loves.

4. Girls love it when a guy she likes come up behind her, put his arms around her, squeezes her tightly against his chest, and whisper softly in her ear.

5. If a girl loves a guy, he will always be on her mind. [more like 24/7]

6. A girl likes to hear compliments, but usually doesn't know how to react to them.

7. A simple hi can brighten a girl's day.

8. Keep in mind to be happy in front of her. She'll think you're not having fun. (we wouldn't want you to be sad)

9. Try to make her laugh; it will come in handy when you don't have anything to talk about. (ALWAYS)

10. Girls like it when you play with their hair.

11. Call for no reason.

12. Be patient when she takes forever to get ready. (PLEASE!)

13. Dance with her even if you feel stupid.

14. When a particular guy flirts with a girl very often, a girl would start thinking the guy likes her.

15. Being too serious can turn a girl off.

16. Don't try to guess a girl's feelings. Ask her.

17. Plan romantic date full of cheesy things; a girl loves to feel special.

18. Always give her a peck on the cheek when you depart from each other, even when friends are watching.

19. Trust each other. If you don't, just end it right now before trouble starts.

20. Take her everywhere you go with your friends. If she can't come, say you will miss her. Don't invite anyone else.

21. Keep your promises; a girl remembers everything the guy she loves tells her.

22. Keep a calendar. Remember her birthday and your anniversary.

23. If you love her, tell her once in a while.

24. Let her fall asleep on you.

25. Don't let your friends talk to her too much. They'll steal her away from you.

26. When you ask a girl what's wrong she'll never tell you the whole thing, maybe nothing at all.

27. Hugs are the best medicine.

28. Girls hate it when a guy leaves her to do something, but she will understand because she loves you.

29. Tell her she looks great even if she doesn't.

30. Hearing the words I love you is a great reassurance to a girl, that she is beautiful.

31. Smile a lot.

32. Buy her something once in a while.

33. Make a big deal when you get to see her, even if you're embarrassed.

34. Always ring the doorbell.

35. Kisses on the neck make a girl tingle.

36. Leave her little messages that she can read later when you're not around.

37. Hold her during a movie.

38. Appreciate her.

39. When she falls asleep and her hair is in her face, tuck it behind her ear for her.

40. When girls go to the restroom together, they're gossiping about you.

41. Be first and last to wish her a happy birthday.

42. Never tell a girl she's useless in any way.

43. When you play games always let her win.

44. It's OK to give her a peck on the cheek or the forehead when she's sleeping.

45. When a girl goes out of her way to see you, make it worth it.

46. Love means devotion, caring, and happiness to a girl, in that order.

47. Stick up for her but still be respectful of her independence.

48. Be playful.

49. Tell the truth. Don't try to impress her, she loves you for you.

50.Girls want nothing more than to feel loved



Khamis, 17 Mac 2011


itu jew yg dpt aq ucapkan..dh nak msuk 5 buley aq brsama BOO..
macey2 hup brlaku..mjur BOO pndai pujuk riessa.. :D
InsyAllah syg..ksih syg kite akan kekal..AMIN :))

 ~trima ksih sbb BOO sntiasa ambil brat psl riessa..
~trima ksih sbb BOO sntiasa sbr ng krenah riessa..
~trima ksih sbb BOO sntiasa ade di samping riessa wktu riessa sakit atau sdih..
~yg pnting, trima ksih sbb BOO syg kn riessa.. :))


Jumaat, 4 Mac 2011


*i g0nna miss u BOO.. :"(
6HARI aq akan l0st k0ntek ng di0 sbb balik kmpung.. :((
umi aq 0yp ; xpyh bw0p lapt0p..n f0n sile 0ff 0r tinggal kt umah..GILER! xleyh2..t0bak aq jrit 6t..sari xk0ntek di0 p0m ser0 xsdap hdup..nim 6hri..*tmbah2 ag, bd0p f0m1 dup glenya2 n0p k0 di0..byk msalah weh..>.<
seb0leh-b0lehnya, aq xse balik kmpung..t0bak aq 0yp aq akan miss di0..
aq thu aq ng di0 saem jh l0nim, tp gak, aq saye trlaj0p di0..dlm ms0 6hri, macey2 bleyh jdi..mit0p2 lh di0 xakan wt bnd0 plik..=.='

*0k r..pnim pal0 aq mkir psl nim..BYE!